Adam and Elizabeth
RaymaGibbsadded this on 2 Aug 2007
Adam Sherrill
Adam Sherrill was born 1697 in Cecil County, Maryland the son of William Sherrill and
died May 1773 in Sherrill's Ford, North Carolina. He married Elizabeth Corzine 1722 in
Chester, Pennsylvania. Elizabeth Corzine, was born 1701 in Cecil County, Maryland;
died Bef. 1774 in Sherrill's Ford, North Carolina.
This Indenture made the first day of September Anno Dom. one thousand
seven hundred & thirty six Between Adam Sherrell of Cecil County in
Maryland yeoman of the one part and Samuel Caldwell late of the County
of Lancaster in Pensilvania yeoman of the other part witnesseth that
whereas Charles Absolute Lord and Proprieter of the said province of
Maryland & avalon[?] Lord Baron of Baltimore HRD under his Greater seal
at Arms gives grant convey and confirm by his letters Patents a certain
tract of land lying scituate and being in the said county of Cecil and
known or called by the name of three Partners as by the said patent
bearing date the sixteenth day of September one thousand seven hundred
& twenty enterd on the records of the land office in the city of
Annapolis in Lib'r 8.3217322 relation being thereunto had may more more
largeley and amply appear and whereas the said Thomas Jacobs did give
grant convey & confirm unto William Sherwill father of the said Adam
Sherwill two hundred acres of land part of the said tract called three
partners by his deed of feeofment and date bearing the thirtennth day
of December one thousand seven hundred and twenty five entered on the
records of the land office in the said county of Cecil in Lib'r SK no.
5 in fol's 9 & 10 Reference being thereunto had may at large appear and
where as the said Wm Serwill father of the said Adam did give grant
convey & confirm unto the said Adam Sherwill his son one hundred acres
of land part of the said tract granted him by the said Thomas Jacobs as
by the deed of sale of him the said William Sherwell to his son Adam
entered on the records in the said county of Cecil reference being
thereunto had may more at large appear now know ye that he the said
Adam Sherrill & Elizabeth his wife for and in consideration of the sum
of fifty pounds lawfull money of Pensilvania to the said Adam Sherwell
& Elizabeth his wife or either of them in hand paid by the said Samuel
Caldwell ay or before the ensealing or delivery of these presents the
receipt whereof they the said Adam Sherwill and Elizabeth his wife do
hereby acknowledge have given granted bargained sold alienated enfeofed
& confirmed and by these presents doth give grant alien enfeoff and
confirm unto the said Samuel Caldwell his heirs and assigns the said
one hundred acres of land Beginning at a white oak bouneded in standing
at the north East corner pf the said tract of land called the three
partners now runing thence west south west one hundred & sixty perches
to a hickory sapling tree thence East South East one hundred and fifty
perches thence East North East seventy perches thence by a straight &
direct line to the first beginning containing as aforesaid one hundred
acres together with all and singular the houses out houses barns
stables orchards gardens commons common of pasture ways waters water
courses profitts commodities hereditaments and appertenances to the
said bargained premises belonging or in any wise appertaining To have
and to hold the said bargained premises and every part and parcel
thereof with their appertenances to him the s'd Samuel Caldwell hid
heirs and assigns forever to his and their only proper use benefit and
behoof forever clearly acquitted exonerated & discharged of and from
all and all maner of former gifts grants bargains sales leases
mortgages wills entails joyntures dowrys judgments executors
incumbrances and troubles whatsoever and the said Adam Sherwell and
Elizabeth his wife doth further covenant and bind themselves their
heirs executors and admin's firmly by these presents warant & defend
the said Samuel Caldwell his heirs and assigns against the right claim
property interest or demand of him the said Adam Sherwill oe Elizabeth
his wife their heirs Exr's Admin's or assigns or any other person by
form or under him her or them or by his or their will money or
procurement whatsoever & In Witnesseth whereof the said Adam Serwill
and Elizabeth his wife have hereunto set their hands & affixed their
seals the day and year first above written. Sealed & delivered in the
presence of us} Adam his[II]mark Sherwill {seal} Isaac Sanders
Benjam' Brittain} Elizabeth her[E]mark Sherwill {seal}
Maryland Be it remembered that on the first day of September in the
year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & thirty six personally
appeared before me the subscriber one of his Lordships Justices of the
Provincial Court Adam Sherwill & Elizabeth his wife & acknowledge the
within deed of conveyance to be their act and deed and the land and
premises therein mentioned to be the right and property of the said
Samuel Caldwell his heirs and assigns forever and the said Elizabeth
being privately examined out of the hearing of her said husband by me
pursuant to an act of assembly in that case made and provided declared
that she gave him her consent to the within alienation & this
acknowledgement without any manner of compulsion or fear of her husband
Jon Copson Sept 10th 17 hundred & thirty six rcvd four shillings sto'
the alienation fine of the within 100 acres of land pt. of three
partners Jas Paul Heath Recorded this 10th November 1736 Wm
Prince Geo County By virtue of a Warrant granted out of his Lordships
Land office of the Province to Adam Sherril of Prince Geo County
bearing date Jan ye 11th Anno Dom. 1738 for the quantity of one hundred
acres of vacant land he having paid the usual fine for the same as
appears & Therefore certifies deputy surveyor of Prince geo County
under his edict Samual Lyle Esq. Governor of Maryland I have carefully
laid ot for & in the name of him the said Adam Sherrill all that tract
of land lying in Prince Geo County called Capt. Johns Bottom Beginning
at a bounded white oak standing by the side of Potomac River between
the mouth of Anteatum & Conegocheys Creek and in a place called Capt.
John Bottom & runing thence north thirty nine deg's West thirty six
poles thence south sixty five days West fifty six poles then south
forty two poles then south sixteen deg's west twenty two poles then
south nine deg's east thirty eight poles then south twenty nine deg's
east thirty four poles then south forty three deg's east forty four
poles then south fifty seven deg's east eighty poles then south fifty
deg's east forty poles then north fifty three deg's east forty four
poles then north figty deg's west forty poles then north fifty six
deg's west eighty eight poles then by a straight line to the beginning
tree containing & now laid out for one hundred acres af land to be held
of Conegocheigo Mannor. Surveyed this 2 day of March Anno Dom 1738
B. Young Exam'd Pet. Dent. dept Surv.
of P. Geo County
A patent was issued later in the year for 100 acres at anteatum creek.
Adam Sherrll appears in a militia list of Augusta County Virginia in 1742 with father and
brothers. Adam was one of the first settler at Catawba, North Carolina at Sherrill Ford
about 1747. Adam received a land patent on the Catawba River in 1751.
Will Proven May 1774 Rowan County, North Carolina In the name of God,
Amen, I, Adam Sherrill, of the County of Rowan and the province of
North Carolina, being in perfect health and memory, praise be to God,
do make and bequeath to my son, Adam Sherrill, one negro fellow called
and known by the name of Vaile, to him and his heirs forever after my
decease. Item I give and bequeath unto my son, Quillar Sherrill, one
negro after my decease if there is one besides Vail and in case I
should have no other after my decease I give unto my son, Quillar,
thirty pounds in lieu thereof to be rasied out of my estate after my
decease to him and his heris forever. Item I give and bequeath to my
son William Sherrill one of the best horses or mares that I possess at
me decease to him and his heirs forever. The true intent and meaning
of this my last will is that no other will made by me of by any other
in my name shall disannul this my will. And I do constitute and
appoint my two sons Adam and Aquillar Sherrill, executors of this my
last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and seal this 5th day of March, in the year of our Lord 1772.
his James Clark
Adam {A.} Sherrill Abraham Roberson
mark William Berry
Children of Adam Sherrill and Elizabeth Corzine are:
• i. William Sherrill, born May 01, 1723 in Cecil Co; Maryland;
died December 31, 1786 in Lincoln Co; North Carolina; married
Agnes White April 12, 1743 in Augusta Co; Virginia.
• ii. Samuel Sherrill, born October 01, 1725 in Cecil Co;
Maryland; died June 22, 1800 in Washington Co; Tennessee; married
Mary Preston 1746 in Virginia.
• iii. Uriah Sherrill, born March 01, 1727/28 in Cecil Co;
Maryland; died November 27, 1779 in Lincoln Co; North Carolina;
married Juddith Lewis December 25, 1753.
• iv. Adam Sherrill, born November 01, 1731 in Cecil Co; Maryland;
died 1787 in Sherrill's Ford, North Carolina; married (1)
Elizabeth Lowrance; married (2) Sina Corzine.
• v. Aquilla Sherrill, born November 30, 1733 in Cecil County,
Maryland; died 1805 in Green County, Tennessee; married Lucretia
• vi. Isaac Sherrill, born June 20, 1736 in Cecil Co; Maryland;
married Mary.
• vii. Jacob Sherrill, born August 21, 1739 in Cecil Co; Maryland;
died January 11, 1813 in Wilson Co; Tennessee; married Hulda
Wilson 1757 in Rowan Co; North Carolina.
• viii. Moses Sherrill, born August 08, 1742 in Augusta Co;
Virginia; died January 15, 1813 in Sherrill's Ford, North
Carolina; married Sarah Simpson January 28, 1768 in Rowan County,
North Carolina.