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- I'm piecing Rebecca's life story together in this first draft. She was the 2nd wife of my 3X Great Grandfather, Sanford Edwards. I've confirmed their burials in Summit Cemetery, Cloud County, Kansas by a July 2019 visit to the cemetery and review of graves adjacent to Rebecca's whose marker is engraved "R Edwards".
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Rebecca's birth name was Eastwood per her daughter, Eunice's, Death Certificate. I'd looked earlier for Rebecca by this surname without luck. This, of course, is not surprising as Rebecca was born around 1812 as best I can estimate from the Census records I've found her in (women were rarely documented in other records in the 1800's).
Her birthplace and birth year vary among the following:
--- Illinois, 1819: per the 1860 Census (residing with Sanford in Patch Grove, Grant County, Wisconsin)
---Missouri, 1808: per the 1870 Census (residing with Sanford in Riverton, Floyd County, Iowa)
--- Missouri, 1819: per the 1880 Census (residing with Sanford in Summit, Cloud County, Kansas; this Census is the only one that shows her parent's birthplaces: Father: Pennsylvania; Mother, Alabama)
--- Missouri, 1812: per the 1885 Kansas Census (residing with Sanford in the household of her daughter, Eunice and her husband and their 2 daughters, Ada/Ida, born 1868 in Indiana and Marilla, born 1875 in Iowa)
To try to determine with more certainty if either Missouri or Illinois might actually be her birthplace, I did a fairly intensive search of the surname EASTWOOD in both of these states. I found a number of EASTWOOD's and used the 1880 record of her parent's birthplaces (PA and AL) as additional criteria.
What I've found is that there were an number of EASTWOOD's in Illinois, especially along the Ohio River (southeast and southern Illinois) and along the Mississippi River where if separates Missouri from Illinois (southern parts of both states). I will do further work on this as I think may find additional information. But my guess at this time is that Rebecca was born near the Mississippi River where it separates Missouri from Illinois as this would explain Rebecca giving both states as her place of birth in the various Census records. For now, I'm using Missouri as her birthplace, subject to change.
By 1838, Rebecca was married to a "Mr. Scott", first name unknown. Daughter, Eunice, was born 30 April 1839 in Illinois per her Death Certificate, so Rebecca and Mr. SCOTT were assuredly married by late 1838 and living in Illinois.
"Mr. Scott" was born in England per daughter Eunice's Death Certificate. Trying to identify him and their marriage:
--Checked IL and MO early marriage records in Ancestry: no matches
--checked for a male Scott dying in Grant County, WI ~late 1840's to early 1850's; found the following:
1. Samuel Scott: died approximately Oct/Nov 1844 in Grant County per Probate Record in Ancestry: altho the record includes payment for "grave stones", there is no Memorial in Find A Grave for a SS who died 1844; also found 2 early Census records for a Samuel Scott: both in Iowa County which is the county immediately East of Grant: records are for 1836 and 1842. Appears Samuel Scott could be Rebecca's first husband except that the Probate record makes it appear he was rather wealthy and I don't have the impression Rebecca was left a wealthy widow. Also, there were 5 Scott heirs in the Probate record, likely sons and I have not run across any such sons in researching Sanford after he married Rebecca.
2. I found a John Scott living in Patch Grove, Wisconsin in 1847 whom I really thought might be Rebecca's husband. However, I found a death record for a son which shows the father as John Scott and the mother as Ethaline Hicklen, so this is unlikely to be Rebecca's first husband.
3. Today, 13 August 2019, I found and researched an Andrew SCOTT in the 1840 Census (recorded as Andrew Mc F SCOTT. the "Mc" very clear on the Census sheet, suggesting a Scottish name). This SCOTT lived in Grant County, Wisconsin, the same area as Sanford. He was in the age group 41 - 49 which equates to being born 1791 - 1800, entirely possible to be Rebecca's husband. The oldest female in the household is in the 20 - 29 age group which equates to being born 1811 - 1820 and there are no other females in the household. There are 9 other males, however: 2 under age 5 (born 1835 - 1840), 6 ages 20 - 29 (born 1811 - 1820) and 1 age 30 - 39 (born 1801 - 1810). The breadth of ages suggests a possible 3 generation home, but also suggests the oldest male SCOTT is a widower which would eliminate him as Rebecca's husband.
Further re Andrew SCOTT, above. I also found him in 3 "Index Only" Censuses for Wisconsin:
1. The 1836 "Wisconsin Compiled Census and Census Substitutes Index, 1820 - 1890". Here he is listed as Andrew SCOTT living in Iowa County which is immediately East of Grant.
2. The same type record for 1838 where his is listed as Andrew M F Scott, very much like the 1840 US Census entry. Here it shows him living in Mineral Point Township, Iowa County, likely on the same property as in 1836.
3. The same type record for 1842. The only difference is stating Grant County, Eastern Division.
It seems quite likely these 1836, 1838, and 1842 Census records represent the same man as listed in the 1840 US Census as Andrew Mc F Scott.
Not supporting this Andrew being Rebecca's first husband is the fact, per these Census records, that Eunice's Death Certificate reports her as being born in Illinois; the Informant was a daughter.
I could not find an Andrew Scott living in Grant County after the 1842 record. This would make sense if, indeed, Andrew was Rebecca's husband.
I'm leaving my SCOTT research here at this point. I hope a descendant will see this Memorial and contact me to help identify Rebecca's first husband.
Rebecca's second marriage was to my 3X Great Grandfather, Sanford Edwards. This occurred 17 July 1854 in Grant County, Wisconsin. Sanford's wife, Margaret (my 3X Great Grandmother) had died approximately 1847. Clearly, "Mr. Scott" had died by early 1854 at the latest.
Rebecca and Sanford are definitely still in Patch Grove in 1855 as Wisconsin did a mid-decade Census that year. The Census shows 1 male and 2 females in the home; this would be Sanford, Rebecca, and Rebecca's daughter, Eunice, as she did not marry until 1858.
Rebecca and Sanford were still in Patch Grove in 1860 per that Census. At this time they are living with Rebecca's daughter, Eunice, and her husband, Daniel, and their first child, Martha who is 2 years old. Daniel and Sanford are both shown as farmers.
1870 is when it is clear Rebecca and Sanford have moved. They are now in Riverton Township, Floyd County, Iowa. This county is about 150 miles almost due west of Grant County, Wisconsin. The draw for Sanford and Rebecca to this part of Iowa is unclear to me. However, in earlier research I know I found some possible connections to family members; I will review my material and hopefully be able to provide a clearer motivation for this move. One thought, for sure, is that the US Civil War occurred between 1860 and 1870 and the reason may be connected to this tragic milestone in our country's history.
Another move, much longer, occurred between 1870 and 1880; this time from Iowa to Kansas, roughly 500 miles SW. Rebecca and Sanford are in Cloud County, Kansas at the time of the 1880 Census (June). This Census records Rebecca as 61 (younger than actual age), born Missouri, father born Pennsylvania, and mother born Alabama. She and Sanford were also recorded on a special schedule due to them being supported by the County (schedule entitled "Pauper and Indigent Inhabitants in Institutions, Poor-Houses or asylums, or Boarded at Public Expense in Private Houses"). I believe they were in a house based on how they are listed in the Census.
By 1885 Rebecca and Sanford have been joined by Rebecca's married daughter, Eunice, and her husband and 2 daughters. I suspect Eunice and Daniel Canfield have come to Cloud County to provide a better home for Rebecca and Sanford. Also, there are a number of Canfield's living in Cloud County, so I believe Daniel may have siblings there although I have found it difficult to identify their parents. In 1885 Rebecca records herself as 73 which I believe is close to accurate; Sanford is 83. All of them are recorded as coming to Kansas from Indiana which indicates Rebecca and Sanford left Iowa for Indiana and then came to Kansas.
1885 is the last Census I found Rebecca (or Sanford) in. This is not surprising, however, due to the loss of the 1890 Census.
I could find no records or newspaper reports of either Rebecca's or Sanford's deaths. However, I did find a late 1891 notice in The Delphos Republican that thought might be referencing Rebecca. It reads: "Grandma Edwards is very sick at the residence of her son, A. S. Edwards, and it is feared she will not recover." However, I found several brief mentions of A. S Edwards in The Delphos Republican newspaper, including one dated 17 Feb 1899 that stated his mother, Susan Edwards, had died the day prior. Both A. S. (Albert Sylvester) Edwards and Susan Edwards are buried in Delphos Cemetery, have Memorials, and are linked. I do not believe A. S Edwards and Sanford are related from reading his obituary which is posted to his Memorial, but there is no mention of his father.
I will continue to look for clues regarding the deaths of Rebecca and Sanford.
8 - 13 August 2019: First Draft/Notes
11 August 2019: Added Photos from Summit Cemetery
15 August 2019: Revised Bio and Death Date after finding article regarding 1899 death of Susan Edwards (not Rebecca)
Vicki Edwards
Los Angeles